What does it do? The Excel MID function allows you to extract a portion of text from a text string contained in a single cell. By specifying the starting position and the length, you can extract any numbers of characters from within. In addition to letters and numbers, special characters (not limited to), asterisks, question …
Category archives: Excel Resources
Excel LEN Function
What does it do? The Excel LEN function returns the number of characters contained in a single cell. All characters are counted, this means, in addition to letters and numbers, special characters not limited to, asterisk, question marks, logical operators and also spaces, are included in the count. Like the Excel RIGHT and Excel LEFT …
Excel RIGHT Function
What does it do? The Excel RIGHT function extracts a number of characters from the right most side of a text string. The number should be a whole number and greater than zero. Spaces and special characters in the cell values are counted, but any cell formatting is excluded. In short, the cell value is …
Excel LEFT Function
What does it do? The Excel LEFT function extracts a number of characters from the left most side of a text string. The number should be a whole number and greater than zero. Spaces and special characters in the cell values are counted, but any cell formatting is excluded. In short, the cell value is …
Excel SEARCH Function
What does it do? The Excel SEARCH function allows you to find the starting position of a text string within another text string. The text string to search is NOT case sensitive, it can be one character in length, a word or words and you may use wildcard characters for partial matching. If found, it …
Excel FIND function
What does it do? The Excel FIND function allows you to find the starting position of a text string within another text string. The text string to find is case sensitive, it can be one character in length, a word or words, but you may NOT use wildcard characters. If found, it will return a …
Excel IFERROR Function
What does it do? The Excel IFERROR function evaluates a formula or cell reference and allows for one of two returns. Firstly, if there is no error, you will see the value from your formula or cell reference. Secondly, if there is an error, typically in the form of #N/A, #VALUE! or #DIV/0!, you can …
Excel IF Function
What does it do? The Excel IF function allows you to perform a logical test, if the result is true, it will return one result, opposingly, it will return another if it is found to be false. The logical test uses the logical expressions, GREATER THAN, LESS THAN, NOT EQUAL TO, EQUAL TO, GREATER THAN …
Excel COUNTIFS Function
What does it do? The Excel COUNTIFS function counts together the number of cells that meet a given criteria. Unlike COUNTIF which allows only one range and one criterion, COUNTIFS is able to check up to 127 ranges and 127 criteria. The criterion can be a text string, number or logical expression, i.e. GREATER THAN, …
Excel COUNTIF Function
What does it do? The Excel COUNTIF function counts together the number of cells that meet a given criterion. The criterion can be a text string, number or logical expression, i.e. GREATER THAN, LESS THAN, NOT EQUAL TO, EQUAL TO, GREATER THAN or EQUAL TO, LESS THAN or EQUAL TO and EQUAL TO. Expressions use …